Genre: The genre is hard rock
Shown by the band playing throughout the music video
Shown by the band playing throughout the music video
Both the lead singer of the band who sings the words, than a character who is the main focus of the video, narrates the video. Both are given around equal time shown on the video.
At the beginning of the video, you hear a song in the background which is also another Theory Of A Deadman song, so it ties in with the band.
The band are filmed in the trailer home of the character, which ties in with the representation. The band and character meet at the end, to show they’re friends with each other.
The target audience would be people that like hard rock as well as having a laugh. Mainly men between 15-30, as young people can kind of relate towards what is being shown.
The message is easily shown that people will be who they are if they can stick with it, even if other people don’t like it.
The song represents the ‘lowlifes’ of the community and how they live.
It uses the stereotypical low life, who doesn’t care much for their appearance, only care for themselves and take whatever they can to their advantage.
It uses the stereotypical low life, who doesn’t care much for their appearance, only care for themselves and take whatever they can to their advantage.
They use a trailer home in the song, showing that he is that typical lowlife. They use locations that fit in with the lyrics of the song, such as using a football pitch in the first verse. They also use a bowling ally and a convince store with tie in together so it all works together.
Produced by Liam
Produced by Liam